How to remove dark spots naturally

How to remove dark spots naturally
Are you worried about the dark spots? Do you want to remove dark spots? Naturally this simple treatment at home to try it in order to reduce the dark spot.
A common skin problem many people young adults are the formation of dark spots. Also referred to as hyper-pigmentation. When the skin is exposed to the sun increases the production of melanin, darkening skin cells results. The color of the spots on the bright red or brown may vary slightly depending on the dingy. Tend to appear in various parts of the body that are exposed to the sun are usually the face, neck, hands, shoulders and scalp spots. Are formed due to sun damage, freckles and dark brown skin patches. The sunspots are brown spots, sun spots, age spots, liver spots, called the aging signs in some cases. This place looks very ugly face, and you feel the same amount.
The main cause is the cause of the formation of dark spots on face
Exposure to the sun
Genetic diseases / hormonal changes
Menopause or pregnancy
Improper skin care
Liver problems / weaknesses
Hyper pigmentation of the skin calm
Lack of some vitamins, such as vitamin C or vitamin B12
One of the available number of treatment for the removal of dark spots are. Is a cosmetic treatment (laser processing) may have a side effect, and very expensive. Is to use a home remedy for removing dark spots naturally helps further treatment.
Some of the following natural homemade tips to reduce dark spots are:
Wondering how to remove dark spots? Kitchen material and are easy to do with the dark brown spots that can be removed naturally using a simple and easy treatment, following
Juice of 1 lemon
The dark spots on the skin because the lemon juice helps to relieve acidity and the organic nature of the property Bleach role is to help clean up all kinds of attractions, the hotel is bleached.
You can apply the juice directly from a dark site just a little squeeze and soak a cotton ball in lemon juice lemon you. Rinse with cold water and let it rest for about 30 hours, repeat this at least twice. The two months to see positive results for you.
Is to apply to the affected skin areas melted sugar and lemon juice, another option is to remove the brown spots. Leave 30 minutes before washing it off. How to remove age spots, as well as you.
It is one of the easiest and fastest solution you can face away from the dark spots and skin discoloration.
2 buttermilk
Is very good on the skin of butter lactic acid present. You can remove brown spots with the help of butter. You can wash in plain water and apply a bit of butter and brown spots you a break for a few minutes, and then with the help of a cotton swab. Add a little lemon juice to the butter before the event, and then you have acne or oily skin, apply. Start Fade to perform regular tasks euroyi can try mixing tomato juice with 4 TSPS 2 TSPS of butter before applying to the affected area otherwise. Place.
3 yogurt
Will help to lighten the brown spots yogurt is a natural way, let's wash it off with cold water after 20 minutes drying apply plain yogurt directly on the age spots. Leave overnight to get the dark spots and apply the yogurt before you go to sleep immediately results. You can make a face pack mix plain yogurt 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 2 tablespoons of oatmeal powder 1 teaspoon you. Apply this pack to the affected skin and leave it for about 30 hours. After washing with cold water, apply some moisturizer. Repeat this every day 1-2 months to get the best results.
(04) Aloe Vera
Acupuncture is an effective means for treating the skin, aloe vera is an image and brown spots. This acts as a lubricant and rub the fresh aloevera gel / oil gently Nutrition dark spots rash and a black head. You can stay for about 45 minutes before washing the cold. Repeat this process to work for a month twice. At the same time, you are also on an empty stomach for faster results, take 2 tablespoons of aloevera juice daily.
05 castor oil
Another good solution is to remove the dark spots castor oil. It has an age spot removal can effectively get you the powerful healing properties. Each time one in the morning one night, two times a day with a clean cotton swab to apply the castor oil. Gently massage the affected area a few minutes now. It can also be used to treat dark spots coconut oil, vitamin E oil, almond oil or olive oil. You can make skin tones this way.
06 Sandalwood
Sandalwood also acts as a preservative, the most aging. The glycerin, water, a pack you can create, lemon juice and some sandalwood powder at home with you. Brown skin patches applied, leave to dry on its own pack in this House. Rinse with cold water. Remove the black dots on the skin after a day. Five days leave to get sandalwood massage affected skin areas once a night and overnight for better results.
(7) horseradish
It is a special herb to create a blemish on the skin to remove age spots and freckles. Make the horseradish and red pepper paste applied directly to the affected skin. In addition, the glass container for butter or apple vinegar grated horseradish mixed with two weeks rest and the mixture can be placed. Strain the mixture is applied to the affected area with the help of a cotton ball after migration. If you continue to find this treatment three times a day one month brown spots disappear.
You can also try a combination of vinegar and honey horseradish. To be very sensitive to ultraviolet light skin, apply a SPF ingredients.
08 papaya
Includes skin imperfections, specific enzymes help you to remove age spots and acne papaya. Fresh grated raw papaya and rub with dark brown spots. Later, you can wash the skin with warm water for about 20 minutes keeping. This should make it look more clean and brighten your skin. Until all things bright spots twice with a solution.
(09) red currant
This helps to eliminate brown spots naturally. One tablespoon of honey, mix 4 cups of crushed red currant (unripe). Now you can relax and have dark spots Apply the mixture affect this skin. Lightly tap some diluted lemon juice rinse with warm water after half an hour. You may also be mixed with orange juice, red currant juice, lemon juice, parsley juice and the same rate. Repeat once a day to remove your dark spots.
10 onion juice
Apply the onion juice to remove age spots. Rub a few onion slices or double skin area compared to Subjected to Impact plus times a day. The role is to help the bleach acidic nature, fade dark brown spots due to Red Onion. Otherwise dark place, you can apply this mixture for about 15 minutes and the onion juice mixed tbsps honey 1 tablespoon to you. Makes this thoroughly wash the affected area to remove the strong odor of the mixture. You can try with garlic juice, onion juice using you.
11 Sugar Cube
Sugar cubes on a black skin, scratches, rub gently dead skin patches. Helps to remove dark spots naturally present in glycolic acid, chemical peel is a natural sugar. Sugar Cubes can be used to remove dead skin acne is present on your skin.
(12) Rose Water
Was to reduce the use of water rising in a dark spot on your skin. You can mix with some sandalwood powder and rose water to be applied to the skin to create a smooth fade-out full, bright or reduce the drawbacks you are away.
(13) honey or raw potato juice
This is the best way to create a fade dark spots on the skin when raw potato juice and honey massage in a dark place. You can apply vitamin E oil to massage the affected area. This method helps to remove white heads on the skin.
(14) tomato juice
Tomato juice with lemon juice stains, the best home remedies to lighten freckles, age spots, dark pigmentation and discoloration. Juice once a day to provide an efficient solution for brown spots will take.
(15) Water
Helps to remove dark skin spots, freckles and blemishes water. Keep drinking 6-8 glasses of water every day to remove harmful substances from the body, skin moisture, and you should be able to gradually fade spots.
It is essential to protect the skin from the sun, so that the ultraviolet rays of the sun storage root cause of the formation of dark spots. So to apply the SPF / sunscreen lotion before going out in the hot sun always. This can be an effective natural treatment spots.
Regardless of the home remedies that you can choose, can be committed to treatment is normal and you are following. A typical application you soon faded black patch of skin you know would be helpful. You get the time to treatment, and the removal of brown spots on the face, and wait patiently at home in other parts of the body.
Of home treatment without the side effects mentioned above, you can make will help remove dark spots you see Roy concluded.


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