Benefits of Meditation

Benefits of Meditation
A piece of advice that yogis have given for thousands of years is: For a deep breath and relax. Looking at the melting of the tension in the muscles of your worries disappear mind writing a little bit every day. Good to know that we have somehow we all break.
Now he's got it hard sciences: general scientific research showing deep relaxation changes our bodies at the genetic level, just published. What is the Harvard Medical School researchers found a much more long-term practitioners of relaxation methods such as yoga and meditation "and fighting disease genes" is not practiced no form of relaxation compared to those that were active.
In particular, it was found by a protective gene from the pain, infertility, hypertension, and even disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and switches. Researchers, they, "relaxation effect" to all medical calls about the phenomenon, but without the side effects can be powerful, just change means derived. "We were active in the relaxation practitioners that are not active in fighting the disease and the control range of the gene discovery," who led the study from Dr. Herbert Benson, associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School said the. The good news did not stop research for genetic control group is less healthy.
Experiments, the gene can be switched to the off switch, just how easy it was to act, feel and environment-responsive genes appear to be. In Jake Toby, BodyMind Medicine Centre in London to teach clients how to induce the relaxation effect says hypnotherapist is "Harvard University researchers have started to practice every request control how relaxation". "Two months later, their bodies start to change: the body, help fight inflammation, kill diseased genes to protect cells from cancer starts to switch all."
Was still found to increase benefits in accordance with the general practice of the relaxation effect is more encouraging: relaxation methods such as meditation and healthier hormone levels and deep breathing, arthritis, and joint pain with stronger immunity remain free himself of the opportunity, many people practice and hypotension. We believe research is important because it shows the impact on human health and on the genetic level, the actual state of mind of the person Benson. The reason is considered as a powerful remedy in traditional Indian Ayurvedic and Tibetan medicine (Ayurveda), such as induced by meditation or repetitive mantras is to find relaxation.
But can have a strong influence up to the rest of the first half how? Explains the negative effects of stress on the body research. Everything is linked to the release of stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol, stress raises the heart rate and blood pressure and weaken the immune system and lowers fertility. The other hand, is connected to a high level of chemical feel-good in any cell and tissue repair and growth hormones such as serotonin, is a state of rest. In fact, show that relaxation has virtually the opposite effect of lowering the body to enhance immunity and thriving heart study.
"In the biological level, fly and fight stress is associated risks," says Dr Jane Flemming, London, GP. "Shooting survival mode, heart rate rises and blood pressure up, while non-critical functions such as risk, prepare your muscles contract, and this is a severe immune and digestive movement." Relaxation, on the other hand, relaxation, enjoyment the state of the physical renewal. Risk free, and muscles to relax, you can not digest foods can be reduced in heart tissue of the body, blood circulation flows freely to the nutrients and oxygen supply. Body, this can save you resources you need to create a new life pregnancy Roy Fits comfortable state.
May vary, but is extremely relaxation techniques, are similar in nature biological effects of their own. "When you relax, the parasympathetic nervous system is switched on, ie, linked to better digestion, memory and immunity, among other things," says Toby. Kind of do not break off or lounging sofa with a cup of tea you deep relaxation, he warning, "as long as you deeply, truly, you will get a reward." But.
"What you are looking for a state of deep relaxation in body and mind on a physical level, release the tension is completely off," he said. "The effect is not the usual way by walking round lounge achieve, you can force yourself to relax, you see I like to get to learn self-hypnosis, guided meditation and specific skills, such as images or You. "
However, you can not pronounce all the people of the relaxation effect. "It is more prone to break than the other way some people are," says program director for outpatient break from Joan Borysenko From Boston's Beth Israel Medical Center in Nice decoys. "With the rest, you can find a lot of experience of some people, including slightly improved and we have several ways to turn his life completely."
07 Benefits of Deep Relaxation
See you next time adjustment and being carried out of all the good things in the body relaxes the melt itself off and remind yourself. The following are just some of the scientifically proven benefits are ...
1 increased resistance
Appears to increase the immune to recover the rest of cancer patients. We found that the risk of breast cancer recurrence sikindaneun captain of the Ohio State University study daily practice progressive muscle relaxation. Give them greater resistance to tumors and viruses month break exercise, in another study, NK cells from elderly push in Ohio.
2 emotional BALANCE
Means the freedom of all self-care behavior due to the presence of the trauma of torture and emotional balance. It is very difficult to achieve completely, is how to treat neurosis and harmful to health, such as emotional state quite meditation. Emotionally drenched, as purification of memory, but this freedom is rich in big ceremonies one, not only does an excellent balance also. One answer is to do the next day by the free colored, instead, the fact does not fit directly into.
3 Increase Fertility
Appear to be more likely than women pregnant during the period when the stress is relaxed Research University of Western Australia. The study of Trakya University, Turkey for male infertility also proposed, which can increase the stress relaxation was found to decrease the number and motility of sperm.
Alleviate irritable bowel syndrome (4)
Significantly improved symptoms such as when the patient begins to relax meditation practice suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, twice a day, abdominal bloating, diarrhea, constipation. Meditation is an effective treatment was effective, the researchers recommended that a State University of New York.
Lowering blood pressure (5)
They found that lower body blood pressure is less emphasis on the hormonal response similar to the blood pressure lowering medication and meditation methods, Department of Research at Harvard University. The train gave a significantly lower resting blood pressure patients how British Medical Journal reports.
Leads to inflammation, researchers at Emory University in the United States says, such as heart disease, psoriasis, arthritis, asthma and skin conditions linked to stress condition. You can treat these symptoms by switching the prevention and stress relaxation response. In this way, it was found that improved clinical symptoms of psoriasis meditation study at McGill University in Canada.
07 deposition
The simple difference between people who do not and meditation, will be seen to occur in the normal heart, the thought and the thought occurred to the contemplative mind, but for the boss. So all in mind, but can cause upsetting incident, another idea may be like this for a people who meditate for a minute storm with leek and I see dead flowers in the mind of the ordinary.
How to switch the stress
How can I use the healing powers of the break? Even noticed that all the relaxation effect induced yoga, meditation, mantra is repeated popularity and Harvard researchers. "Roots, this technology is more run regularly, you will benefit from this more deeply," says Jake Toby try on 15 minutes once a day or twice one or more of these techniques.
You can see how your body works, under the arms and in your head to start to think: a physical examination. If you do, feel the relaxation, calm or anxious to find a simple shot in the head and neck. See how much to spread the feeling of softness and relaxation to areas of your body you feel nervous. When you reach for your body to work until you are back.
Focus on breathing: Sit comfortably. Please adjust the breath, abdominal and back out on the nose of the intake and follow your senses. Come relax with each breath is. Return to the breath when you find your mind wandering, you.
Repeat the mantra: the relaxation response, and while sitting quietly with closed eyes two times 15 minutes a day and can be induced by the sound of such words or mentally repeating a simple "Om".
Image guidance is: Imagine a soothing waterfall washing relax the body and mind from the wonderful lighting and comfortable. Through texture, color and scent you like the images wash imagination, vivid images.


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