Efficacy of cranberry juice

Efficacy of cranberry juice
Including relief, respiratory disorders, kidney stones, cancer, heart disease health benefits of cranberry juice for urinary tract infections. It is also useful in preventing plaque and gum disease, gastrointestinal disorders caused by diabetes as well. It was confirmed to be present in cranberry and prevent a wide range of health problems, is a natural plant-derived nutrient compound.

The cranberries are a variety of foods as well as fruits and their benefits in medicine it useful. Latin name of cranberry fruit plant in North America is one of the primary phosphorus macrocarpon and shrubs. The huge amount of antioxidants than cranberries, etc. are broccoli, spinach, apples and other fruits and vegetables. Provides a total of 8,983 cup of cranberries are antioxidant capacity.

Nutritional Value of cranberry juice

It is rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and salicylic acid cranberry juice. Including 45 calories per cup, suitable for dietary guidelines, cranberry juice is very good. Contains 87.13 g of water per 100g cranberry juice. It also provides energy, protein and carbohydrates. In terms of minerals, including calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. It also contains the same thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, E (alpha-tocopherol), K and vitamin (Philo quinone) vitamins. The cranberry is a member of the Ericaceae family, and is native to North America.

Efficacy of cranberry juice

Long been used to treat various diseases cranberry juice. The following are some of the health benefits of cranberries.

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is: see the presence of specific microorganisms in excess of the normal level of urinary tract infection. You can develop prostate to the bladder and cause cystitis in renal causes of kidney substance, or a result of these infections are bacterial prostatitis. Have demonstrated the attributes to prevent sticking to the walls of cranberry juice prevents urinary bladder cells from binding to bacteria that itself contains no procedure Antoine Dean Research. These compounds are flushed out of the body from bacteria and prevent further multiplied by the urine. Shows that middle-aged women can drink cranberry juice on a regular basis to prevent recurrence of urinary tract infections and pregnant women study. Regular intake of cranberry juice is also a protection against urinary tract disease patients in the hospital to receive the other treatment proven to help. However, if this is just a precaution, it is not effective in treating urinary tract infection, infection, cranberry juice.

Anti-tumor effects: due to the presence of polyphenolic compounds in the fruit is cranberry juice to provide an anti-tumor efficacy. Suggested to inhibit the proliferation of normal consumption of cranberry juice and development of the lung, breast, colon, prostate, and other cancer tumor research. Prevention to reduce cranberry juice, the swelling and help blood clotting, and contains a high amount of acid to remove the tumor.

Cardiovascular Health: helps maintain cardiovascular health to help reduce the risk of heart-related diseases cranberry juice. It is possible to reduce the threat of atherosclerosis have antioxidant flavonoids are present in cranberry. The disease is reduced due to the accumulation of cholesterol found in arterial blood fat, calcium and atherosclerosis is. This can result in disrupting the flow of oxygen-rich blood to various parts of the body, and as a result a fatal heart attack, and stroke. Was found to stimulate the platelets delay and advantageously inhibits the oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) these compounds.


Prevent tooth decay: According to a new study, you can prevent tooth decay cranberry juice. Proanthocyanidine, inhibits the harmful bacteria from sticking to the teeth varies from cranberries in the chemical compound is present. Protects the teeth from periodontal disease by inhibiting the production of the acid to prevent the growth of dental plaque, these components. You can usually interfere for good dental health with the pathogenic mechanisms of dental caries, oral hygiene, and the consumption of cranberries. At the same time, we must be careful of increasing the acidity of cranberry juice, sugar, some commercially available one-natural juice is always better!

Avoid respiratory infections: According to a study conducted by cranberry juice is a common cause of respiratory infection in your child Haemophilus influenzae, helps to inhibit the specific strain them juice inhibited adhesion to the surface of the skin, hair-like structures of bacteria suppresses.

Prevent cancer: The cranberries inhibit the growth of various cancer cell pro at Dean Antonio not included. Suggested that a fundamental role in reducing the risk of cancer death cancer, flavonoids rich diet studies. Can interfere with cancer include components related to the growth of cancer cells, especially, colon and prostate cancer and cranberry juice. In a related study, it is possible to stop the development of blood vessels in the tumor micro-procedure Antonio not Dean. You can prevent the rapid growth of the tumor regular consumption of cranberry juice. The cranberries to prevent the proliferation of breast cancer cells is also chemical.

Strengthen bones and teeth: but a natural source of calcium, cranberry juice, and add a lot of extra calcium in the juice cranberry juice company. Nature, or to reduce the risk of osteoporosis calcium.

Cold treatment: it is effective in the fight against infection, fresh cranberry juice. It's treating sore throats and colds.

This painting is rich in organic acids effects on the body fat deposits cranberry juice: good to obesity. So, a person who wants to radiate the extra kilos good program.

Prevent kidney stones: You can prevent the formation of kidney stones with high amounts of acidic components of cranberry juice.

Peptic ulcer: is caused by the type of bacteria called Helicobacter pylori or H. pylori peptic ulcers. The attack is the first part of the small intestine layers of the stomach and duodenum to protect the microorganisms. The above can cause inflammation of the inner wall. Anthocyanin flavonoid-rich foods, such as cranberries, apples, garlic, reduce the risk of stomach problems, including stomach ulcers by inhibiting H. pylori growth of bacteria, including the Dean and Pro Antonio at no flavonols category. Showed a 50% advantage over the patient did not take a research study performed cranberry juice for a group of patients having the type of gastrointestinal disorder. Therefore, we recommend the regular consumption of cranberry juice to inhibit the infection is usually a doctor.

Scurvy: Scurvy may cause deficiency of vitamin -C the individual. Also used to carry out cranberry body collagen provides a high level of the main component behind the important vitamin C, health function of an organization.

Been proven to be effective against lung inflammation caused by influenza virus in cranberries can prevent the flu from the influenza virus infection of cells attached in accordance with the present material is nondialyzable material or NDM anti-inflammatory effect of cranberry juice to prevent: lung inflammation You.


Anti-Aging Benefits: In human research center, it is recommended that you play an important role in providing protection against the development of a rich old problem of a lack of coordination and memory loss of plant nutrients and antioxidants in cranberries USDA scientists. Look youthful skin has a variety of properties of the protective treatment of the cell from damage caused by unstable molecules called free radicals that contribute to aging by cranberries.

Food: This is used to create a variety of sources, and cranberry juice cranberry fruit extract. Can be extracted from 1500 g of fresh cranberry juice About 1 liter. The cranberry juice cocktail is a mixture of fructose and artificial sweeteners, or about 30% pure cranberry juice. You can enjoy breakfast with cereal and dried cranberries can be added to muffins or.

Word of Caution

It offers a wide range of health benefits under the ban a few exceptions, cranberries and cranberry juice are:

Warfarin (kumadin) is: The anticoagulant drug warfarin was used as a blood coagulation inhibitor, reduces the possibility of blood clots that occur in the body. These blood clots can also lead to serious conditions such as blood clots and other parts of the cardiovascular system in cardiovascular disease and legs, lungs. They are the displays should be careful about the intake of cranberry with a high risk of bleeding with warfarin people. May affect the efficacy and safety of warfarin in the body of the people, it is recommended that you do not use excessive consumption of cranberry juice. In this case, it is always a wish to check for the correct dosage of the regular consumption of blood drug.

Cranberry contains a significant amount of salicylic acid present in aspirin: aspirin allergy. People who are prescribed aspirin, blood thinners need to ensure that you do not consume too much cranberry juice. You should limit intake of cranberries that you are allergic to aspirin.

Kidney stones: There is a significant concentration of cranberry extract contains calcium oxalate. This amplifies the chance of developing a specific person with calcium oxalate stones and uric acid stones. Have a history of kidney stones or kidney stones, you should consult a health care professional before consuming large amounts of cranberry juice or cranberry supplements people. Provided evidence that the level of oxalate in the urine up to 43% cranberry juice can increase the study.

Was used to seize the urine in some people who are known as complications, to control the urinary incontinence cranberry extract is also possible to reduce the treatment process of the urinary catheter and the abdomen around the membrane so as not to block the extract.

Last Word on cranberry juice: a new taste, but some unsweetened cranberry juice, two ounces of cranberry juice, it is recommended that you dilute medicated, 8 ounces of water. It's very good for your overall health. Finally, helps to strengthen the immune system and relieve stress cranberry juice. It works well for skin conditions like acne and can be consumed fresh, dried or frozen.

You can enjoy cranberries in any form you like, and enjoy a wealth of health benefits you can get from this powerful little fruit!


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