How to get rid of the 15 kinds of acne

How to get rid of the 15 kinds of acne
The largest organ of your skin, it will do more than simply not pouring all over the place. Making travel (the outermost layer of the skin) from the inner edge of the skin to the outside of the skin, skin cells are constantly, by replacing itself. Access to the surface of the skin aging and skin cells, flat cells are dying. Once on the surface, forming a protective layer to help bond the number of dead skin cells, and to protect against bacteria and viruses.
This small fountain that produces sebum oil that is inside your hair follicles. Join the journey towards the skin cells in the hair follicles and oil mix out. Too much sebum, but the block may occur at the roots of their outlet is clogged when the surface is too much dead skin cells or something. Party participating in bacteria and is the most common form of acne is acne results.
Whereas the effects of acne are teenagers and 20somethings commonly affected, you can get acne, people of all ages, even babies. Does not help, at least, but fortunately, there are some treatments that can be used to be - our instinctive reaction - rubbing picking it clear that our social contract.
So what can I do to get rid of acne we? We'll talk about that more next instinctive reaction.
Keep your hands at 15 your face
The following is a simple tip: Touch to stop the skin, see your face is lovely.
Right, sounds easy? Well, good luck. Not aware of how often we touch our faces most of us. Scratch our ears, wipe our lips itch relieving us. If you face with your paw on the frequency of the note to pay, you can feel really wild.
The main tool of our bodies around the world to interact directly with the hands. Many, but the world is very dirty blame to go around. Touched the surface of the sweat, (not to mention bacteria and viruses) spread over five days grime from person to person, often using the door handle, store counters and gas station pump handle.
You want to wash your hands all day long to touch your face at some point in the day unnecessarily inevitable, so as well.
Let us now move on to the next end of said cleaning.
Twice a day on the skin (14) cleaning your
One of the most simple and effective way to prevent problems (carefully) If you take the time to wash your face thoroughly. Grime grease, so there all day building face, and the wind smoke, air pollution remains in daily life.
However, do not go to sea and washed with. At the end of the day at a time in the morning, and - should be twice a day. Use a clean towel, warm water and a mild soap or cleanser. This simple diet is effective in ridding the dust, the skin of dead skin cells, dirt and bacteria. I do not want to dry your face with all the oil off, and you can do more harm than good to rub too hard or you will weaken the skin agitation.
Next, you can learn about the activities that we get the hormone in order.
Sweat (13) to the work
Is to some regular exercise is the best way to improve the appearance of your skin is - not to mention the physical, mental and emotional health. Value of the half-hour of exercise 3-4 times better, but preferably not more than the amount.
So stress is asked to crank your skin oil production message, you have the things you can do to reduce stress (eg, yoga classes) to help acne. In addition, if the exercise (I) in the pores of the sebum produced hormone levels decrease to change the order of restoration.
It's not that you can only get from exercising effective skin-to guide to the sweat on the surface can cause many problems dead skin cells, helps clear out pores.
If you do not want to cancel all the benefits of a healthy skin you sweat, you need to pay attention to the following items.
When you work out, loosen up (12) you
Acne on the face, but we all know we escaped almost anywhere on the body, some of us. The constant contact between the pimple MECHANICA, friction, due to heat in the form of acne, skin, and clothing and gear movement one of the main causes of the. Acne can cause the hair line, do not leave a trail of his chin strap as well as the headband and helmet. If you have exercise equipment you rub on your skin, try to remove it for the time you do not use it or loose.
Acne can cause a lot of trouble jogging suits or yoga outfits as well. This is usually because they are custom-made ​​or synthetic fibers must fit too. Soon you should start to see improvement in your skin with loose-fitting otro made ​​if you switch.
Not have to worry about when you're working out your clothing is the only thing - you know what to keep in mind the following items to the other.
Do not forget to (11) the shower
Perhaps the only feeling better than leaving it to go to the gym. Higher still slow, it is easy to find that you can not shrink your workout comfortable place to go home to finish the exercise endorphins then. When you get comfortable dinner or create an e-mail confirmation, you're forgetting something important.
The dead skin cells, sweat leaves the body through the pores when you exercise. This is a very good thing - is the accumulation of dead skin cells that can interfere with this. But the sweat evaporates once, leaving the salt behind on your skin. If you do not wash the dead skin cells and salt, they will delete the last block pores as you in short order. Is to use a moisturizing body wash is one of the best ways to remove the build-up is woven. It cleans the salt off your skin, but will help to replenish moisture lost during exercise as well.
If you have already blocked pores, what can you do? See the following sections to learn.
(10) Sell part of benzoyl peroxide
There is a problem with acne benzoyl peroxide to obtain a good result with the number of people. May use a prescribed version (mainly for the detergent or a lotion) can be obtained over the counter product with most of the benzoyl peroxide.
The number of the likely products, but includes the cream or gel to be applied to the face, most of the cracked output. Kill the P. acne bacteria that cause inflammation in the blocked pores, benzoyl peroxide. It may result in the patient occurs, it takes about three weeks.
Hydrogen peroxide benjoilneun do it for you? See the following pages for different materials that can be useful.
The acid 09 Stock up to
Or kill the bacteria but has no effect on sebum production, it may be useful in your efforts to get rid of acne salicylic acid. Causes your skin to the outer layer of the shed salicylic acid. By getting rid of dead skin cells, this layer would be better to maintain a good flow of your skin pores clear.
We recommend that skin wounds or irritated or sensitive skin any irritation or putting this off so that the agent you are. And you have to keep using it - If you stop, stop the benefits.
Now I know what to put on your face you can make it better. However, you do need to take it off?
08 you look at the makeup of the
When looking at the cause of your acne, you may want to consider your makeup is. Makeup alone does not necessarily lead to trouble, certainly does not help. In some cases, it can be seen a significant increase in facial acne when people wear a specific brand or type of make-up. Please a few weeks to see if "does not cause. Acne" What is the difference between "oil-free" or switch to the indicated brand or product choice in this case. This is certainly not always a large supply of patience when we do the war on our skin. However, it is switched out (to act as) order tracking product which works, and you do not what it is worth.
Find the end of your day, always wash wear, regardless of the type of makeup. The more you need to make a good way to wake you leave your makeup on overnight.
If you've followed all the tips so far, we still do not have to remove your acne, you need to take a hint from the following list:
Antibiotics request 7.
Above - you may need to try the sassy bump and antibiotics do not work the counter treatment - no. Destroy bacteria help fight infections and minor body damage or drugs. When used to treat acne, to help kill bacteria P. acne to reduce existing inflammation, preventing the growth of bacteria through the use of the future because of continued (that can be used in the form of a pill or topical) antibiotics. The tetracycline is generally prescribed acne, and operates by taking the ability of the bacteria to produce the obtained protein.
It's not at all clear sky here (skin) - The Genie attention. The extended dry or antibiotic treatment for acne is sometimes. The skin may be sensitive to light, oral antibiotics, so you have to reserve a sunscreen or you will risk a very unpleasant image.
This will help other about some of our acne is. Read to find out what it is.
06 Consider the pill.
You can view the source of relief unconventional woman dealing with acne: the pill. You can prevent pregnancy as well as to regulate the menstrual cycle, oral contraceptives, this may be the ticket to the skin once a day prescription is also evident.
Will be starting a high level of the male hormone testosterone and hormones like real reason our skin is our body (this is all true men and women) are raving adolescence. Generate a high level of sebum secretion of sex hormones that prompt these skin oil The. When dead skin cells clog the pores and excess sebum with the results of acne.
Has approved three different pill for the treatment of acne, FDA. Three people including a mix of hormones estrogen and progestin all. Women produce less sebum acne will result in lowering the hormone. Such as a local option - this is generally regarded as one form of treatment has failed other therapy.
However, the disadvantage is that. For one, it is not guaranteed to work. Also, you run the risk of side effects on contraceptive potential by coming in blood pressure in headache, man. Should not take oral contraceptives in women both specific health status (for example, heart disease, blood clotting problems) and.
(5) Stress (Fiji) management
F are all acne acne Can you worry, do not care. You can see the stress out of the experience feeling a link between acne breakouts many people. Some stress behavior is quite bad skin, contributing to: a lack of exercise, do not touch your face or bath proper hygiene maybe poor diet (back and forth the role of diet in acne researchers) maintained nervousness.
However, to emphasize the great role itself can be the appearance of the skin is the body's chemical reactions. When we get stressed, you are prompted for the other cells to produce and release the stress hormone cortisol is one, the hypothalamus. "-Or-flight fight" Preparing the situation - the hormone your heart beats faster, and you will be clearly aware of, and produce more oil your skin. Is produced by glands found in the hair follicles - the oil - sebum. It is up to move and in the hair follicles, taking with it dead skin cells. When it reaches this surface, forming a protective coating. (Blocked (makeup, dirt, etc.) on the surface of the skin pores something or sebum production increases: this is due largely to one of two reasons: to get back to the dead skin cells, sebum and hair follicles,) that occur during puberty. When you get stressed, you increase the level of sebum, the skin is the price you pay.
Even if the stress level in check, you did not respond to any of our listed only cure acne you may have. Can help you to do the other? See the next section.
See 4 isotretinoin
At times, expecting the usual outcome of such attempt, no matter how difficult salicylate, people - you will find that it does not produce on. You can use a powerful oral medication that your doctor can prescribe to the isotretinoin Fortunately there.
It is known in a variety of trade names (one Accutane), isotretinoin, and it has been proven to be effective in the treatment of severe acne. Interestingly, isotretinoin, but no reason to reduce the operating assurance acne, it sikindago believed that it reduces the amount of sebum production. If any person, to end the connection with acne forever more drugs; For others, it is possible to reduce significantly the number and intensity of future generation. However, this does not guarantee that it works at all, is generally achieved 4-5 months after treatment with anti-acne effects of isotretinoin are.
Although the drug is supposed to step lightly not-pregnant women who are taking (or already pregnant), if frightening as birth defects, some of the side effects.
Learn about some amazing acne treatment on the next page.
Along three light (and heat)
Requires a lot more than the others, some hardware acne treatment. Looks (blue, red, green, yellow, or a combination color) intensity around killing P. form needs various ACK bacterial effect. Because if the hole is partially or completely blocked, they are attracted to the clogging of the following bacteria multiply, causing inflammation in the field using the acne treatment will help .wandlike the device, but the treatment is still valid for a pain doctor the treatment can be applied to the light. There is a chance of mild skin irritation, but that has no side effects.
Using a special heat wand, you can treat your acne in a similar manner through the light treatment. However, instead of the bacterial eradication, the use of heating will reduce the size of the sebaceous glands. This will result in fewer acne sebum production less fortunate.
Now let's say your acne is gone, but as a symbol of death, you still have the scar. What can you do? See the next section.
2 sand it
The plague of acne scars are still somewhat disturbing to show some of our own. You must remove the one with microdermabrasion acne scars and how many people.
This is not a relatively thick layer of the skin dermabrasion brush away. More intense, and how cool it is to use the device .wandlike microdermabrasion should bombard your face with small particles of aluminum oxide doctor. It will not hurt is not, however, a painful sound. Because the beach is clean jammyeon you fell down like you never leave the hospital looking for the impact of simultaneous devices from your skin to the particle vacuum.
This left the skin feeling smooth and looking affects the outermost layer of the skin. Microdermabrasion is a one-time treatment, but usually requires the treatment over a period of several months to achieve optimal results weeks. May cause some short-term redness you, you should be able to enjoy an overall less red in the long run.
What is the best acne treatment is a high-tech? See the next section.
1 Laser Navigation
Laser: If you are looking to exact revenge on your sebaceous glands uncooperative, you can choose to do battle to the next level.
May be concentrated on parts of the skin conditions, to produce the heat of the laser is below the skin surface using a pulsating light. This heat is generated in the sebaceous glands, but the heat damage and does not damage the surface of the skin. You can reduce your acne by half after: [Friedman Source Two laser treatment session.
It was a warning not all fun and games though - a topical analgesic, and even can cause discomfort or pain treatment is still. Can also cause swelling and baljeokga in a day or two.


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