The best food for your brain

The best food for your brain
Can diet is more intelligent? You bet. At Mount Sinai School of Medicine, says study author is the founder and director of the Memory Enhancement Program at City Cynthia Green, Dr. Brain game plan, shows that New York is one of the most powerful influences on brain power every thing you eat. Also, you can stave off Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia is the right food. The key? Which (together with brain games such exercise daily), maintaining a healthy brain cells and brain damage in anti-inflammatory nutrients key to finish eating. "Your memory, concentration, and that will help you learn the skills you choose healthy foods," said Green.

Fat fish

Is packed with powerful and versatile nutrients essential for healthy heart omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, Albacore tuna, mackerel, sardines seafood. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil is one of the key about 40% of the fatty acid in the brain cell membrane is DHA,. Maybe considered necessary for transferring signals between brain cells experts
Found that eating fish three times a week, with high levels of DHA in their blood, and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease, 39% of people are researchers at Tufts University.
Eat: at least twice a week (to minimize exposure limits Albacore week mercury in tuna than 6 ounces). Try these seven delicious fish recipes.

Leafy green and cruciferous vegetables

Pile salad, stir-fries, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, bok cho science side dishes, and Brussels sprouts. They are full of antioxidants, such as vitamin C and plant compounds called carotenoids are powerful brain protection in particular.
This will prevent damage caused by free radicals, making the body waste which are to be used for fuel cells for generating energy antioxidants. It is particularly susceptible to damage caused by free radicals, because your brain (which is about 3% of your body weight to 17% of energy use) to use a lot of fuel. This is because a lot of toxic by-products will help your mind to relax and disarm them enough antioxidants.
Good, but your brain (from different plants), all antioxidants, is particularly effective in such cruciferous vegetables. They found that those who ate the brains of their own age 1-2 nyeonro lowest Harvard Medical School study of more than 13,000 women.
Eat: The captured as part of a balanced mix of colorful vegetables each day different.

Avocado oil, nuts and seeds

They all other important antioxidants include: Vitamin E, researchers consumption patients supplemented lower the risk of the food rather than in the AD% 67 E- the appropriate amount of vitamins in the literature.
Eat: frequently; Shoot for the almond two ounces per day of 15 mg of E.


(With at least 70% cocoa) dark kind of sweet foods to boost your brain; Include a flavonoid, some research linked to brain health by other classes of antioxidants. Such as apples, red and purple grapes, red wine, onions, tea, beer and other flavonoid-rich foods are.
Eat: The total calorie intake as part of a healthy often. Also had lower blood pressure every day to half an ounce.


Go to Thai or Indian takeaway; Use strong spices are often known to fight inflammation dishes. The proteins that cause the amyloid plaques of Alzheimer's brain release actually far show that the active ingredient curcumin curry animal experiments.
Eat: pasta sauce, salad dressing with raw meat marinade, or. (The Indian food to create delicious recipes swipgeyi consideration.)


The mechanism is not fully understood, but represent these antioxidant powerhouses, you can protect your brain studies. Some scientists believe helps to build a connection between the healthy brain cells.
Eat: will be added to the daily, morning or afternoon snack with yogurt, oatmeal, or cereal.

Whole grains

Stabilize blood glucose (sugar) levels than refined foods such as white bread and sweet to help, such as oatmeal, oat bran, brown rice is fiber-rich carbohydrates. So simple sugars your body quickly following digestion, you will suddenly plummet after the energy spike. Since the main cause of cerebral glucose fuel, it is important to maintain a normal level; During the conflict, you need to focus the problem you feel tired and crabby.
Eat: The daily goal, the fiber 25g; Fruits, vegetables, beans, another good source.


All cells in the body need water to thrive, and your brain cells are no exception; In fact, it is about three-quarters of your brain is water. Appear to be much better on tests of the brain than those who do not drink enough of his body well hydrated this goal is the study of a small Ohio college.
Drink: over the day; The goal is to raise a total of 6-8 glasses. Keep interested in savoring these 25 recipes panties water.

Alcohol (in moderation)

Chronic heavy drinking can cause serious dementia, and shows that it is possible to protect the brain that light and practical research. Have 1-6 drinks a week at a JAMA study were lower than those of developing dementia teetotalers 54%. However, he also pointed out the percentage reduction in heart disease which doctors are not sure why eumjujayi moderate, experts say. You can help protect your heart and brain blood vessels to prevent the clogging of the small amount of alcohol.
No more than one drink once and a drink. Talk to your doctor if you have a family history of breast cancer.


Excess, it can cause brain fog, can improve the ability of concentration, reaction time and other brain caffeine in moderate amounts is: The different materials, wherein the dose makes the poison caffeine. A French study found that performance with little or remembering words than women consume no more than three superior drinking cup of coffee a day over 65 women. Another showed that drinking coffee can cut up to 30% AD risk another review.


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