The best food to eat after a workout

The best food to eat after a workout
1. Eggs

Protein and carbohydrates are the two keys to eating after a good workout. Egg has covered the former. Only 70 calories each egg in the Rocky movies are not deceiving you, packing 6.3 g of protein and naturally D. It is also one of the few foods that contain vitamin; Raw egg dishes have no merit. In fact, it is to cook the eggs your body can absorb almost twice as much protein.

2. Noah

For a dose of carbohydrates, brown rice is only okay, it's ("keen wah" pronounced), you can compete with all the vitamins and nutrients in quinoa. It's also time to prepare and contains a lot more protein and fiber than brown rice requires less.

3. Orange Juice

Instead of Gatorade, grab a glass of OJ. After the addition of vitamin C and potassium generally not much more, and you are in a popular sports drink for use during extended exercising can get more than one. Potassium is an important electrolyte helps restore the fluid level of the body. Orange juice works well in protein shakes.

4. Kefir

Kefir, a fermented milk drink made with probiotic bacteria, and has grown so popular political party. Just one cup contains peer Kane of 11 ~ 14g does not occur naturally in the body, "complete protein". Dairy proteins are especially useful to accelerate the maintenance and weight loss of muscle mass. Although it may take getting used to him whether or not to shoot flick the taste, it's good fruit, cereals and whey protein and mix.

5. Bananas

Bananas are high "good" kind of need carbs after a workout. These fast-acting carbohydrates to help rebuild damaged muscles helps restore the body's glycogen levels. And they offer a lot of great potassium.

6. Salmon

You will be found in salmon, but will get a big dose of protein as well as the reconstruction of the muscles of the anti-inflammatory omega-3 to help to enhance the performance.

7. Blueberry

This little guy is a big body provides enhanced antioxidant. In fact, research shows that blueberries can speed your recovery after an intense workout can be tripled.

8. Whole-grain pita with hummus

This is also an option, not a very easy thing to prepare great meat. in chickpeas, hummus is a tough exercise after carbohydrate and protein to keep your energy levels, and includes all the carbs in the West in the pita.

9. Dried fruits and nuts

If you have a lack of time, providing a handful or two of high protein snacks and carbohydrates resolved. Beans is particularly useful for building muscle nuts; Half cup contains 34g protein.

10. Pineapple

That pineapple is a proven natural anti-inflammatory properties are bruises, sprains, and for the treatment of edema, including bromelain. In addition, vitamin C, is higher in the core component of tissue repair.

(11) Sweet Potato

With a healthy dose of carbohydrates, vitamins and nutrients, sweet potatoes, especially vitamin B6, C, D, magnesium, contains a variety of potassium.

12. Kiwi

New Zealand is a pack of huge amounts of vitamin C and potassium in small serving. There is also an excellent source of antioxidants to help combat muscle pain. Bonus tip: Do not throw out the skin, it's filled with more nutrients.

13. Water

This one may seem obvious, but, properly hydrated failure is a common exercise mistakes. To keep the mood and vitality, you need to replace every pound lost 2-3 glasses of water during the workout.

14. The most important: Eat Something

While the body movement uses a lot of energy. If you do not replenish within two hours after you have finished, your muscles will not recover properly, all your efforts can go to waste. Movement of food within 15 minutes, although a small protest goes a long way.


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