Top Foods and Drinks That Make You Look Older

Top Foods and Drinks That Make You Look Older
1. Salt

White stuff is not the right thing to keep wrinkles at bay. 1,500 mg of sodium can lead to high blood pressure get more than the recommended daily of the American Heart Association (American Heart Association) "can weaken the skin and affect the collagen" nutritionist Jen Brewer, says the author of the start stop losing weight and diet . And, like around your eyes, especially the skin can cause wrinkles in thin areas, she added. Salt can also cause swelling in your eyes, Heidi Waldorf, MD, director of cosmetic dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical Laser Center in New York City said. And there's nothing for young puffy eyes. The skin-friendly way to taste food: The proposed use herbs, beurueul.

2. Sugar

Candy jar that dodge. Dermatologist Doris J. Day, MD, author of Forget the Facelift, says that sugar can overload the path to what is called insulin. That will accelerate the aging of the skin that affects your blood vessels. "If you drop the sugar will be able to see the difference within a week," Dr. Day to ensure changes: skin clear and vibrant skin tone. To satisfy a sweet tooth, switch to fruit, we recommend Dr. Day. More complicated because the natural sugar, your body will age to avoid overloading the skin, cheoncheonhieul processes.

3. Coffee

The ultimate pick-me-up compression a double dose of the aging factor. Coffee is the replacement of pearl baekinreul young years, tooth stains, as well as dry and cause less skin looking plump VITAL, not dehydrate the body. In addition, the wrinkles around the eyes is more pronounced when the body is not properly hydrated. Dr. Waldorf is that if you stick to the shock, so that the water must be adequately coffee, acknowledged that it can be a staple of a busy life, she advises. Or, we recommend drinking green tea. It is due to less dehydration excellent antioxidant, and its low caffeine content.

4. Alcohol

Love your red wine at night? According to Dr. Day, gets a drink of water from your cells. "It will look puffy around your eyes," she said, which ultimately look older. Another reason is that alcohol can give you a screen ': You may be tempted to chips, salty snacks like pretzels bar reach, while you are drinking. And you already know that salt is what you can do. All alcoholic beverages offset the dehydrating effects of the alcohol by the drink, add one cup of water (fluid should already be consuming more than 64 ounces per day).

5. Red meat

It is most Americans' diets, but a necessity, but a recent study by the Institute of Health Cleveland Clinic is to eat more than once a week suggests that wrinkles as well as linked to serious health risks. Research, carnitine, a compound rich in animal protein According to the high level, the blood vessel wall that causes premature skin wrinkles can be enhanced. Dr. Day says that red meat can be a good source of vitamin B12, important for red blood cell and brain function. However, many dairy products are also rich in vitamin seafood. Conclusion: If you're a red meat lover, but not limited to indulge.

6. Simple Carbohydrates

Such as white bread and pasta foods have a high glycemic index that produces inflammation and reactive oxygen species in the skin. People as a result of less vigor and plumpness, maintain skin elasticity, skin break down the strong collagen and elastin keep. When you're craving carbs, select the complex person, like whole grains, recommends Dr. Day. She explains that the body is processing the food neurigeyi than simple carbohydrates, so there is no insulin spike in your skin will react.

7. Spicy Food

Pepper is good for metabolism in the skin of some people, but it can be bad. Says Dr. Waldorf is spicy food can swell the blood vessels of people who are experiencing menopausal easy or scanning to occur. "That is Ph.D. skin capillaries is less clear, young look," says Waldorf. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, avoiding spicy food, you can keep looking young patient an injection. If you do not have a history of a condition not menopause, hot flushes that can bring in food is most likely to be mild and transient.

8. Hot dogs and cold cuts

Sulfites preserve such meat can age you. Reported to cause skin injection bulgegwa shine Cause "They're known to be inflammatory," says Dr. Day. Including sulfites and locate the meat is not a protein punch with legumes and tofu sandwich with no aging factor.

9. Soda

The carbonated beverage is not kind to the teeth or skin, Brewer says. Teeth and soda is very acidic and more prone to decay, tooth enamel wears away. And you can create a more brilliant smile is less than the whole face looks haggard. But that's not all: Brewer says the high sodium levels in the skin of age soda. Because they are likely to be the cause of dull skin and swelling reaches the sweet stuff also higher than that of water, dehydration can drink soda. Both diet and regular soda is omitted and select fruits injection water when you drink flavored.

10. trans fats

Found in fast foods such as margarine manufacture eat processed fats, they look older because arterial obstruction. Because there is no water can pass away the elasticity of the skin, Brewer says. However, it does not completely cut the fat. Natural unsaturated fats, such as olive oil and coconut oil, the cell wall against free radicals and oxidative stabilization helps to protect the skin of the age of vitamin E, rich, Brewer says.


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